Archive for June, 2011

Getting ready for my Earthship Adventure

Stockholm June 29th, 2011

Getting Ready

My Earthship Adventure, in which I return to my old home state of New Mexico, USA starts tommorrow!

My mission is to experience and learn as much as possible about the practicle side of sustainable building methods.

That is an approach which approaches building dwellings in a smart way in order to optimize wellbeing for inhabitants. Materials and building techniques and sites are chosen to harmonize and “surf” with the earth in the most elegant and resource effective way.

The program at Earthship Biotecture Head Quarters in Taos, New Mexico will include;

The history and development of the Earthship concept by architect Michael Reynolds and his collegues.

Earthship Design Principles

Solar Power – (Yes baby!)

Thermal Heating and Cooling

Catch Water Systems

Contained Sweage

Food Production

Varieties of Earthship Designs

Plus – A lot of team work and networking all while enjoying the delicious New Mexican food and the ruggedly beautiful surroundings of the Rocky Mountains and the high desert alpine environment.

(Taos is approx. 2300 meters above sea level, hot, dry and dangerous. The Earthship building sites are located in on an Alpine desert plateau which is home to Rattle Snakes, Scorpions and Black Widow Spiders among other critters)

Earthship adventure

I am going on an Earthship adventure, follow me here!